The weblog of Darren Friesen

Friday, June 29, 2007

Steve Bell and Orchestra

I first got to know Steve almost 20 years ago working at YFC Winnipeg. I just found this clip from concert last fall with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, which would have been an amazing night. There is a symphony tour planned for the fall, and all the details can be found at his web site. Enjoy!

There is a great moment near the beginning where Steve just seems to sit back and take in all that is happening right then. This was on his birthday, and I cannot imagine what it would be like to see one's own ideas and dreams take shape over the years into a place like that. Pretty amazing stuff!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I attended the concert this Dec 2007. It was fabulous! What a combination, the WSO and Steve Bell - perfect harmony together. The concert was sold out and everyone there had nothing but great things to say about the concert.

9:56 AM


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